Sunday, March 12, 2017

Modelling Microtubules in Brain

Human Brain

The Human brain contains a massive and complex neural network with approximately 100 billion nerve cells. It monitors and regulates key body functions such as breathing and heart rate, receives sensory information, manages physical motion like walking and talking, and is involved in reasoning and dreaming. The major parts of the brain are the hindbrain, which has the cerebellum and brainstem, the midbrain, and the forebrain which has the diencephalon and the cerebrum. 

During much of the modern era, mainstream science has avoided focusing on spirituality in neurological research. However, in recent years, there have been an increasing number of studies regarding how the human brain functions and reacts during meditation, prayer, near death experiences, and when one is engaged in focused constructive thinking. 

In a study, they did these SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) scans, with Buddhist mediators and Franciscan nuns, and that shows what parts of the brain get blood flow. When these Buddhist monks were at their most heightened state of awareness, they pushed a button. They took a picture of blood flow of the brain. And same with the nuns. What happened? Parts of the frontal lobe became very active. Parts of parietal lobe became very active. And then the right parietal lobe shut down, so it got less blood flow.

If you look at nuns and reverie of prayer, Buddhist monks and meditation, a part of the brain that turns on is called the "frontal lobe" and that is like the volume control of the brain. When the frontal lobe begins to work properly, it quiets down all the other circuits and the brain so nothing else is being processed, but a single-minded thought. All of a sudden they started to experience altruistic states of compassion and joy and inspiration and goodwill. 

Brain structures like the amygdala, the orbital frontal cortex and the front of the brain are also involved in various aspects of spiritual experiences and states.

We know that the brain is connected to all the other physiological systems in the body, like the immune system, and the endocrine system. So this means that when you change something at the mind level, for instance a belief, you will influence not only the brain, but all the other physiological systems connected, for instance, the immune system.

Modelling Microtubules in the Brain

Friday, July 6, 2007

Creation as explained by Science, as explained by Religion.

 The study of vast expense of objective creation even with the aid of the best appliances would be futile to know the nature of spirit force, since the scope of physical senses does not extend even to many lower subtle regions that exist in Creation. However in the physical universe, a very close approach to the spirit force is to be found in the human form, which is the most developed condition of the spirit entity of this earth. In Short the study of Human Cosmos would be most practical and convenient method for a comprehension of the universal cosmos and for determining roughly the various parts into which the creation has been divided. 

A Brief about the terms Creation, Cosmology, evolution and the methods adopted for studying creation by various Religions for explaining Creation and also seek to look at methods adopted by science to study Creation.
Science investigates the truths of outer world whereas religion looks into the inner being of man. Both form part of the cosmos and are inter-related. The effect of the working of spirit is there on the coarsest matter, and the bodies the spirit assumes in the higher regions, are constituted of subtler form of matter. Hence methodologies applied to study and investigate into the nature of spirit and matter cannot be independent, exclusive or unconnected; observation, induction and deduction, experiment and proof are as much relevant to the study of religious phenomena as they are to scientific investigations. Conversely, inner perceptions; flashes and intuitions are also equally relevant to scientific investigation. Newton’s discovery of gravitation was more of an intuitive flash than a reasoned out conclusion. Similarly, the statements made in Discourses of Radhsoami faith about energy getting released by splitting of atoms and perception of quarks by Anne Beasant and Leadbeater are intuitions of distinguished yogis.